space game Dark Conquest


  • 1 November 2023, version 8.7
    This version contains lots of more updates, for example, it's now easier to destroy a specific object to complete the mission.
  • 2 October 2023, version 8.6
    This bundle contains a bunch of updates, for example I've implemented an interface for help by pressing the F1 key.
    Dark Conquest is still only adapted for a few different screen resolutions, but it's a start.
  • 29 September 2023, server side
    Security related updates were applied.
  • 19 September 2023, version 8.5
    Integrated a new hazard object and upgraded to .NET 8.
  • 5 September 2023, version 8.4
    A few minor graphical adjustments where applied, also tried to remove some glitches by converting a synchronous method to an asynchronous method.
  • 4 September 2023, version 8.3
    Changed a few things, for example a new installation path was added for Dark Conquest.
  • 2 September 2023, version 8.2
    A few security related updates where applied. Also som graphical items where redesigned. Older versions of Dark Conquest will not work when you register or try to save a new score. An update is therefore required.
  • 1 September 2023, version 8.1
    Tried to adjust the game for lower screen resolutions. Dark Conquest works best in 2560 x 1600.
  • 27 August 2023, version 8.0
    Integrated notifications when you're in a dangerous zone in the game.
  • 27 August 2023, version 7.9
    A minor bug was fixed that caused a falling object not to return if the player didn't catch the object.
  • 26 August 2023, version 7.8
    Refactored tons of methods in an effort to remove a few delays in the game.
  • 25 August 2023, version 7.7
    Now you have to enter your email if you would like to register your self as a player to be able to hit the high score list.
  • 24 August 2023, version 7.6
    API paths updated to simplify data exchange.
  • 23 August 2023, version 7.5
    Extended the encryption for player validations.
  • 22 August 2023, version 7.4
    Moved the player database to a closer service provider to enhance the performance of the player validations.
  • 20 August 2023, version 7.3
    A few graphical items and some documentation were updated.
  • 19 August 2023, version 7.2
    Some minor graphical adjustments for the logotype and the status label that shows new highscores on the top five result.
  • 18 August 2023, version 7.1
    Refactored image related data.
  • 17 August 2023, Version 7.0
    This release includes the extra font already built in, no additional font installation is therefore necessary.